Patient Info


BOLINGBROOK OFFICE (630) 226-9922PERU OFFICE (815) 224-8090

Artboard 12

WelcomeNew Patients

Here at New Life., we are proud to provide affordable care for patients in Bolingbrook IL, and the surrounding communities. We change these specials regularly, so make sure that you check the expiration date prior to redeeming your great deal!


We love giving our patients the opportunity to save some money and try something new. No matter what your situation is, everyone is welcome to take advantage of our savings!
Our entire staff always stays up to date on the latest treatments and services, and you can always be sure that you are in good hands. We love assisting our patients so that they can live healthy and pain-free lives for years to come!
If you have any questions regarding our specials, contact us today at (630) 226-9922.

http://thenounproject.comThe Noun ProjectIcon TemplateRemindersStrokesTry to keep strokes at 4pxMinimum stroke weight is 2pxFor thicker strokes use even numbers: 6px, 8px etc.Remember to expand strokes before saving as an SVG SizeCannot be wider or taller than 100px (artboard size)Scale your icon to fill as much of the artboard as possibleUngroupIf your design has more than one shape, make sure to ungroupSave asSave as .SVG and make sure “Use Artboards” is checked100px.SVG

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